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The Rules of the Forum |
The rules are binding for all Users that use the forum. The user when registering and using this Forum accepts all the terms and provisions of these regulations in their entirety without any exceptions. Use this Forum for any reason is not allowed. Any information posted on the Forum, is not binding with the exception of notification of the Administration. Forum administration is not responsible for the content of messages posted by Users. Responsible for the content of the message is by its author only. The administration now provides only technical Users to post and exchange messages.
1.1. These rules govern the activities of the Forum and shall be executed by the Users, Moderators, Chief moderators, Administration.
1.2. Changes and additions to this regulation shall enter into force upon their publication.
1.3. Official language of Forum is Russian. You can still write Nicknames in Latin. The use of other languages and/or Latin (in the form of terms or symbols) allowed only when necessary.
1.4. The forum is post-moderated, that means: messages posted by Users on the Forum, not pre-reviewed, not reviewed, not editable & not subject to correction in any form, but can be removed after their placement by the User if the posted message violates the rules of this Forum, the requirements of applicable law, as otherwise provided by these rules.
1.5. Forum administration is not responsible for the content of messages posted by Users. Responsible for the content of the message is by its author only.
1.6. By registering on the Forum, the User agrees not to use this Forum for posting knowingly false and/or abusive, obscene materials and information that violates other Users of the Forum to privacy, or any other material that may violate legislation.
1.7. The user agrees not to post any copyrighted material without obtaining permission from the copyright holder. Otherwise, the administration reserves the right to remove material that violates the copyrights of the right holders, and to apply to the accounts with which they are published, the corresponding restrictions until the removal of the User account on the Forum.
1.8. The administration has the right to remove posts, topics, links, etc without warning and to change the Rules of the Forum.
2.1. The rights of moderators, Administration:
2.1.1. Moderators have the right to remove any information posted by Users, at its sole discretion (acting in accordance with this regulation);
2.1.2. Moderators have the right in case of violation of User terms and provisions of these regulations apply in relation to those users of the following measures: Temporarily disabling User from service of the Forum:
• The ban on sending messages;
• Lock access to the Forum; Disabling User services Forum:
• Permanent blocking of forum account (account) User;
• Lock access to the Forum by IP address;
2.1.3. The measures listed in paragraph of the Rules applied by the Moderators at their discretion (depending on the extent of the violation, Users of these Rules);
2.1.4. The measures listed in para Rules are applied by decision of the moderators or Administration;
2.1.5. Moderators have the right to move and remove threads or posts without notice to the Users about their actions or intentions, without editing the messages contained in these topics;
2.1.6. The main Moderators and Administration have the right to amend or modify the provisions of these Rules without prior notification of the Users;
2.1.7. The administration is not responsible for temporary technical failures and breaks in work of the Forum, for temporary failures and breaks in work of communication lines, other similar failures and also for the problem of the computer from which the User makes access to the Internet;
2.1.8. The administration has the right to ask for identification, and in case of refusal to provide such – to block access to the Forum.
2.2. Responsibilities Of The Administration:
2.2.1. The administration undertakes not to disclose User information given to them when registering on the Forum, or requested by the Administration, to third parties except for cases stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and norms of international law;
2.2.2. Administration provides the ability to use the Forum free of charge and around the clock, except during scheduled maintenance and other circumstances preventing access to the Forum, have arisen through no fault of the Administration.
2.3. User rights:
2.3.1. The user has the right to use the Forum solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes in accordance with these Rules;
2.3.2. The user has the right to change your password. The User is obliged to ensure the confidentiality (secrecy) of your password and other confidential data;
2.4. Duties of Users regarding the choice of options identification and registration rules:
2.4.1. The user shall register and use only 1 login on the Forum;
2.4.2. The user is forbidden to transfer to third parties data about their forum and account (username, password);
2.4.3. When registering, the User chooses a Nickname, with the following features:
• forbidden Nickname in the address of the web site;
• it is prohibited to use Nicknames that contain picture/name of a trademark that is not owned by the user (the Forum reserves the right to withdraw user names in the interest of companies or individuals who have rights of claim or trademarks of the corresponding user names), but the effects of accounts, using the names and (or) logos of companies to intentionally mislead, would be suspended without possibility of renewal;
• do not use more than three characters or the abuse of capital letters;
• it is prohibited to deliberately unreadable (combination of numbers, special characters and letters, or similar) Nickname;
• prohibited Nicknames, which may lead to incorrect User identification, misrepresentation (intentionally or accidentally coinciding, same, similar to the point of confusion with the Nicknames of already registered Users of the Forum or a representative of the Administration);
• Nicknames are prohibited, directly or indirectly, violate other Rules of the Forum (especially paragraph 2.5.1., 2.5.5.).
2.4.4. The user places the Avatar or Userbar with the following features:
• prohibited images that are images of third party intellectual property rights of third parties, containing official symbols, the rights to which belong to other persons;
• prohibited image, directly or indirectly, violate other Rules of the Forum (especially paragraph 2.5.1., 2.5.5.);
• do not place more than three Userbars;
• prohibited image, overburdened animation.
2.4.5. To create a forum entry (account) the user must have reached 18 years of age. If the user has not reached specified age, nor have reached the statutory age for entering into contracts in the jurisdiction of the country in which he resides, shall be presumed to be acquainted with the rules was carried out in the presence of parents or legal guardian/Trustee. When you create an account the user agrees to provide true, accurate, current information. After account creation the user is the only person who is responsible for it.
2.5. Duties of Users regarding the behavior of:
2.5.1. The user must show respect and proper conduct towards other Users, Moderators, Forum Administration, acting without violating the interests of third parties, namely:
• do not use a flame with any purpose, including use that is directed to call the confrontation with the other User, which is a violation of Forum Rules;
• do not use phrases, sentences and images, links to such, which may humiliate and insult the feelings and dignity;
• do not use profanity in any form (including graphic or veiled);
• not to threaten violence or physical violence;
• not to distribute in any way the materials propagandizing or expressing aversion or hatred to any religion, culture, race, nation, people, country/state/territory with uncertain status, language, politics, ideology or social movement, including indicating discrimination;
• do not post obscene messages, including pornographic or erotic content, prescriptions drugs (other information on drugs), scenes of extreme violence and similar things, propaganda of suicide and ways of its implementation, as well as links to resources containing similar information;
• not to distribute information aimed at propaganda of crimes and administrative offences, violence and cruelty;
• don't post ads to buy or sell accounts or characters in any form;
• not to make unfounded, false accusations towards other Users, as well as the Administration and Moderators;
• do not try to impersonate a staff member and not to post information from an alleged employee of the company (the representative of the Administration, Moderators, etc.) that is also a misrepresentation;
• not to post links to resources containing Trojans, viruses, programs for hacking and any malicious software and software that gives the User the advantage;
• not to post links to resources containing false information (including phishing sites);
• not to spread false information about services Administration, Moderators, Administration, and activities;
• not to disseminate information about third parties, any information (including personal correspondence) about any User, the Moderators, the Administration, without their written consent.
2.5.2. The user must not abuse the Forum is not carrying sense messages and themes. To those equal:
• Necroposting;
• Flood;
• Overquoting (in a situation when the ratio of quoted material to your own more 3:1);
• "Apanie" topics (with the exception of the sections of the Forum with additional rules that allow such activities);
• Spam;
• Cross-posting;
• The discussion of sanctions taken against the player, in particular the publication of the correspondence of the player with a GM;
• Offtopic.
2.5.3. When creating a theme the User must:
• clearly the subject of discussion, topic-based section, as well as to stick to subject of discussion when sending messages in the future;
• to verify the absence on the Forum a similar subject of discussion;
• read the additional rules (if any) or a description of the specific section of the Forum;
• to choose the right section of the Forum with a similar thematic focus;
• do not use Crossposting and not to create identical in subject matter to those.
2.5.4. The user must use the Forum only for discussion of a given theme of the Forum and/or section of the Forum;
2.5.5. Users are prohibited from publication (placement of information in the form of posts, topics, Nicknames, Avatars, Userbars, signatures, and User profile) content following:
• trade (or trade discussion) on the Forum game characters, items, services to improve the character and accounts for real money (cash and electronic). Also advertising of such services;
• advertising campaigns, organizations, and sites not related to the Forum;
• links to resources containing information or programs «hacker» and/or «warez» (software used in violation of International law and the Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of copyright protection) content;
• materials, directly or indirectly, violate copyrights and/or other rights of physical and legal persons. as well As the materials, directly or indirectly, violate the legislation of the Russian Federation;
• any information of an advertising nature that is not related to the Forum or server Lineagez. Also prohibited from openly advertising online resources (website, forum, ftp, etc.) that have nothing to do with a resource It is also prohibited to include in signatures (to place in the profile, etc.) links to other resources and images that violate these rules. With the exception of links to the home pages of Users. In any case, the texts of appeals to visit these pages is prohibited;
• abuse codes (tags), colors, capital letters;
• discussion of any vulnerabilities of Project resources, game exploits and things like that.
2.5.6. Users are also prohibited from:
• to transfer messages from users in the status "Read Only" or Banned;
• to quote the post that contains clear violations of Forum Rules;
• intentionally or accidentally impersonate another User, Moderator, employee, Administration;
• to offend by whatever method and in whatever manner, Moderators, Chief moderators, Users, Administration, and any third party;
• to criticize the actions of Project staff regarding the Forum, as well as the actions of Moderators, outside of the specialized sections.
2.6. Questions, suggestions, complaints and comments on the work of Project resources, staff, and Moderators should be sent to:
• to solve problems regarding the gaming component of the Project in Center of Informational support of Users
• to solve problems regarding the Forum and moderation (depending on the complexity of the problem) - a Personal Message to the Moderators and Chief moderators or to the postal address -
• specialized themes and topics intended for discussion of any problems.
3.1. The user understands and agrees that:
3.1.1. The user uses the Forum at your own risk. The service is provided by Forum «as is»;
3.1.2. Responsibility for User-posted information lies on him;
3.1.3. The administration does not guarantee that:
• the service will fully satisfy User requirements;
• the service will be uninterrupted, fast and reliable;
• the information posted by Users on the Forum is accurate.
4.1. These rules are established for an indefinite period;
4.2. Ignorance of the Rules of the Forum does not relieve from responsibility for their violation.
4.4. Forum in order to comply with the requirements of the current legislation is entitled to provide the competent authorities information about the user and his data and other information claimed in the framework of legislative regulation.